I want to say thanks to all the clubs, firms and fellows who have decided to use our print service for many years:
AT - Alfa Tango, ACC - Alpha Charly Charly, ACS - Alpha Charly Sierra, CAM - Charly Alpha Mike, City Fashion, DR - Delta Radio, Expo Hobby Radio, FL - Foxtrot Lima, GI - Golf India, HF - Havana Fox, IF - India Fox, IR - International Radio, Lira - OOD, Hotel Restaurent ' Golden Anchor', Masterclean, OT - Oscar Tango, RCI - Radio Charly India, SD - Sugar Delta, Rainbow Shop, Teleradiocomm, VC - Victor Charlie, YI - Yankee India....FR5AE, GB200T, LZ2KV, LZ1ZF, LZ1XL, M3RCV, MW0ZZK, N1UNU, ON6WJ, PA5GU, SM2OAN, SM6WET, ZS6GE, ZS6DTS... and many others.
Special thanks to : Bob - M0MJA, David - 14TRC#002 and Erik - SM0UXX for their great help!